Network of Professionals

Highly Qualified

Our network of professionals was built by the founder, Sylvain Bedard while working in the pharmaceutical industry for over 20 years. The majority of the professionals in our network have more than 15 years of experience in either Clinical Operations, TMF Management, Clinical Outsourcing, Clinical Data Management, Regulatory, Biostatistics, Pharmacovigilance, and Clinical Quality Assurance.


We believe in creating a community where everyone feels valued and supported, that’s why we created this exclusive network where all professionals have worked directly with a professional in our network and have been highly recommended by their peers. This exclusivity in candidate selection, in addition to a thorough screening process, significantly increases the quality of our candidates and the rate of success with each placement.


Our network of professionals is continuously growing, and with more than 500 professionals actively working in Clinical Research, Clin Ops Solutions has become a main hub for networking and recruitment in clinical research. Recruitment of talented professionals is an ongoing priority for Clin Ops Solutions, as it solidifies existing relationships with our professionals and enhances their career.

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